ioslides vs. Slidify in R Markdown Presentation

The Github repository for this website : choux130/slide_thesis_ioslides. The link to my slides : Having an opportunity to give a presentation for my master thesis, I decided to give it a try on R Markdown Presentation with interactive graphs and planned to publish it online after the presentation. There are three main choices in R Studio for the R Markdown Presentation: ioslides, Slidy, and Beamer. Beamer is for .

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R --- LDA and QDA

This post shows the R code for LDA and QDA by using funtion lda() and qda() in package MASS. To show how to use these function, I created a function, bvn(), to generate bivariate normal dataset based on the assumptions and then used lda() and qda() on the generated datasets. Details Resources for Package ‘MASS’ CRAN - Package ‘MASS’ Package ‘MASS’ - Reference manual Example Code LDA : Suppose our dataset are from \[X_{green}=N(\begin{pmatrix} 0.

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Jekyll Website with Github, Github Pages and R Markdown

Update : 2018-05-06 Yihui Xie has announced a new package blogdown in September 2017. This package include all the features in knitr-jekyll but instead of using Jekyll this time he switched to Hugo. There is a terrific instruction from him, blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown. So, if you want to integrate your website with R Markdown, I will definitely recommend you to check that out. I also convert my whole website from Jekyll with knitr-jekyll to Hugo with blogdown.

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